Christmas party on Mt. Elgon.

FUM News Blog

Iglesia de Los Amigos Cuaqueros Opens in Richmond, Indiana

The newly formed Iglesia de Los Amigos Cuaqueros of Richmond, Indiana, officially opened on Friday evening, November 8, with a service of worship and praise held at West Richmond Friends Meeting. The church will continue to meet on Friday evenings at West Richmond Friends. The volunteer staff includes Odalys Hernandez Cruz, pastor; Dinora Uvalle Vasquez, director of community services; Jasson Arevalo and Luisa Samayoa, music directors; and Myron Guachalla, secretary. The new church decorated the meetingroom with flags of all the South American and Central American countries and territories.

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FUM Online Bookstore Stocks New Advent and Christmas Books

Historically and theologically, Friends had little use for the liturgical seasons (Advent, Lent, and Pentecost) or the liturgical holidays (Christmas, Epiphany, Easter, Pentecost, All Saints Day). But as some of these seasons and holidays—Christmas, in particular—have become commercial and economic seasons in their own right, as well as family judgments, some Friends have turned to the devotional practices of the liturgical churches in order to stay focused on the spiritual heart of ideas that are being turned into material gain. For that reason, the FUM online bookstore brings in a few books every year aimed at personal and family devotions for the Advent season. A few of our selections this year:

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Friends and the U.S. Election

I have looked, listened, discerned, and cast my vote for who I would like to be the next president of the United States of America. I imagine most of you have done something similar. For me the decision was not difficult. The candidates present clear distinctions. I hope you have done the same. I hope you have voted with the fullness of your heart, soul, mind, and body. I also know we have not all come to the same conclusion. I know we have all been invited to the party. Sunday will come around and we will gather for worship in our places with folks who saw the choice differently and voted according to their conscience. It’s not a new reality. My mind has been made up for months. So, likely you were in worship this past Sunday with those same folks. This is the work of loving community.

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Letter from Belize

Oscar Mmbali writes:‍We are spending a vacation at Miriam’s sisters cabin out on their farm. It’s located in the countryside in the south of Sweden, surrounded by meadows and forest. We enjoy the quietness and stillness of this place, and how we can meet with God and let him fill us again. “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28. It’s a place that the whole family has come to treasure.Noa has been enjoying time with family. Especially a party for her second birthday together with her cousins.Thank you to all our supporters who make it possible for us to visit with family and friends in Sweden, and for us to get this rest.

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Friends and the U.S. Election

The right to vote in the United States was originally only for white male property owners 21 years old and older, then extended to males of all races in 1870, to women in 1920, to eliminate racial discrimination in 1965, and to lowering the voting age to eighteen in 1971. I was one of thousands personally campaigning for the last two efforts. As a Quaker, I got involved by being active in protests for civil rights and against the Vietnam War in the ’60s. I was a full-time activist and campaign manager for candidates of both parties at every level of government. I then spent the ’70s in Pennsylvania state government as Special Assistant to the Governor and Secretary of Commerce.

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Friends and the U.S. Election

Editor’s note: During this election season, when our political life in the United States seems especially contentious, Friends United Meeting has invited a variety of Friends to share their thoughts on how to navigate as a Quaker through these divided times. Our ninth installment is by Jennie Isbell Shinn, of New England Yearly Meeting.‍‍ Living Expectantly in Politically Charged Times, or Any Time This election season, a familiar unrest and uncertainty are settling in my bones, again. I feel on edge and vigilant, even against my siblings who have different political affiliations. I remind myself that even the most faithful person cannot see into another’s heart, or fully know how God is at work in the other.

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